The Bahá'ís of Shawnigan Lake,CowichanValley,BC |
Let your vision be world embracing... -Bahá'ú'lláh |
Neighbourhood Children's Classes.
It is hard to imagine anything more important to us than the spiritual well-being of our children. For many in the Shawnigan area, finding a source of spiritual education of their children is a daunting challenge. We invite you to consider Bahá’í children’s classes, open to all children, these classes provide children with spiritual and moral education, stories and friendship, games and art in an environment designed to develop the capacities and interests of youngsters involved.
Children are introduced to moral principles as well as the lives of humanity's foremost spiritual teachers; Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh. Avoiding a rigid approach, the classes aim to awaken in children an understanding and love of those universal principles and moral teachings, drawn in large part from the Bahá’í writings, include a love of the arts, the utmost respect for science with a fundamental focus on moral and spiritual education. Bahá’í children’s classes aspire to a love of humanity, in all its diversity and a love of knowledge, both material and spiritual.
For Bahá’í s, education focused on the development of moral capacities in the child is fundamental to human happiness and allows that capacity for genuine and authentic human relationship, cooperation and citizenship to emerge in our children.